Despite the improvements made in Recall 01.21 we have unfortunately found that some U-brackets (Bicycle brace) produced in the year 2020 and 2021 may have play at the connection in the Aluminum casting block. This could cause the U-Bracket (Bicycle Brace) to break off at the point where the U-bracket transitions into the Aluminum casting block which could create a dangerous situation.
If you own a Busbiker of the model X290-Light or XM290 please check the serial number at the place indicated above.
These are serial numbers between: 010001 through 011351 or. 020001 to 021040
Here you can enter the serial number, last 6 digits, your name, address etc. and you will see immediately whether your Busbiker is eligible.
If the U-bracket needs to be replaced, the new U-bracket will automatically be sent to the address entered. Then you can contact an authorized Busbiker dealer to make an appointment for installation.
The 6-digit serial number is located at the back left of the black bar of the BusBiker and always starts with "01" or "02" If you have any questions about this replacement promotion, please mail Always mention the serial number of your Busbiker.
Check serial number
Example serial number
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